Pictures taken by Michelle ....

Avó celebrating her 80th birthday!
Showing the family's gift ... 
a pair of diamant earrings.

Couldn't avoid using this picture for 2 reasons: 1st, Michelle and I are in the picture (doesn't happen very often) and 2nd, ... look at Michael's tan!

Enjoying the pool at home with the two "little fish", who, if allowed, would have spent the whole day(s) in the pool!

Below, these are pictures taken at the Fort Lauderdale Science Museum, where we also saw two great shows in the IMax ... one of them in 3D. 
Great shows.

Fort Lauderdale
The Jungle Queen

Visiting the Miami Zoo ....
a hands-on experience!


         Miami Zoo

Time to leave. 
It was hard to see avó like that, but after 10 days she was doing much better and moving around much more confidently.


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