The Gouveia Andrade Cousins' Visit
April 26, 2008
Cumberland, Rhode Island, USA

A few months ago I started working on my 
Carreiro/Gouveia Family Tree Web Page 
and I came into contact with Cecilia Gouveia Andrade and her five siblings.
Five of them  live in Canada,
except for Fátima who lives in Massachusetts. 
It turns out that we are very close cousins. 
Our maternal grandparents are brother and sister. 
Their grandfather, António Jorge Gouveia is one of my grandmother 
Maria Estrêla Gouveia's four brothers.
As the months went on, 
with their help I completed their branch of the family in the 
Family Tree with a lot data and many pictures. 
After awhile, ... it felt like I had always known them. 
Then, I was told that they were coming to visit family in the USA,
and I would have the opportunity to meet them.
So ... on April 26th,  five of the six siblings came to spend the day with us and ... 
what a great family gathering it was.
And once again, 
that feeling that we had always known one another was present
throughout the time we spent together. 
It was indeed a pleasure to be with them, 
to have them meet my wife, my children and grandchildren, 
and my brother Luis. 
The only one who could not come was Ilidio, the youngest one. 

From left: 
Maria do Carmo (Micas), Maria Cecilia (Cici), Maria de Fátima, Maria Isabel (Belinha) and António Jorge.
(Photo taken at Maria de Fátima's home.)
To find out more about them click below.

Photo taken with Fátima's children, Ricardo and Jani.

And now ... 
great memories of the day we spent together at my home.

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