Corpus Christi Feast
St. Michael - Azores

Learn about its origin, and lots more about the Azores in general.

Festas do Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milages
São Miguel - Açores

Informação sobre a origem da imagem e muitos outros aspectos destas festas.

Paulo Jorge and his daughter, Maria, 
participating in the procession.
Maria and her grandfather, Jorge.

Family dinner in honor of my mother's brother, João Pedro Borges, who traditionally offered this dinner to his family on the last day of the "Senhor Santo Cristo" festivities.
May 17, 2007
(From lefty to right)

Florinda, Jorge, Cláudia and Maria

Maria, Paulo Jorge, Maria Emilia, Sofia and Natividade

Maria Emilia, Sofia, Natividade, José Maria, Florinda and Jorge

Margarida and Pedro

Graça, Ana Paula, João Maria, Fátima and Tomás

Maria Eduarda, Leonor, João Pedro, Maria Emilia and Sofia

Débora, Bruno, Ana Francisca (Ani), Francisco, Nicole and  Raquel
Pedro, João António, Graça, Ana Paula and Fátima

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